Have Your Priorities Straight 

Some people want diamonds, some want fame
Others just enjoy the thrill of playing the game

Some people are tall and want to play basketball 

Some people are short and love to shop at the mall 
I’m a simpler kind of person and want one thing

It’s not money, it’s not cars or even a fancy ring 

I’m just a chubby guy who wants ice cream

I want to eat it until my brain is so cold it screams
I’m not hard to please, I’ll take any flavor or novelty 

I’ll eat it in a cone, on a stick, or in a bowl just give it to me 

I’ll eat strawberry, chocolate, vanilla or all three

I wont even turn down ice cream that is sugar free 
Some people ban themselves from this delicious treat

They spend hours at the gym trying to run holes in their feet

They want their stomach to look like a six pack 

They look at others in disgust and don’t have my back 
Well I’m happy being a chubby man with a gut 

And when I’m going to eat I have a gleeful strut 

So stay skinny punishing yourself and ignoring heaven 

I’ll eat your ice cream and I don’t care if it’s only seven 

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